Enrollment Confirmation Deposit and New Student Enrollment and Orientation Fee Refund Policy
Enrollment Confirmation Deposits (ECD) and New Student Enrollment and Orientation Fees (NSEOF), once paid for undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students to confirm their first quarter of enrollment, are non-refundable.
For more information email petition@uw.edu
The ECD is applied toward tuition and fees assessed for the quarter in which the student has been offered admission. If you need further information and contact details, please log in and review your Official Tuition Charge Statement.
Refunds by Campus
The refund or waiver processes differ by campus and by student level.
Graduate Students
Applies to graduate students at all three campuses. The ECD is non-refundable. Graduate students wishing to request to change their admission quarter and move their paid ECDs should refer to instructions on the Enrollment Confirmation System webpage.
University of Washington Seattle Undergraduates
The NSEOF payment is a mandatory, one-time fee that all entering undergraduate students at the University of Washington Seattle campus pay to confirm enrollment. The NSEOF supports many academic and transition programs designed specifically to set students up for success. Please visit First Year Programs NSEOF for further information and contact details.
University of Washington Bothell Undergraduates
UW Bothell Enrollment Confirmation Deposit
All admitted undergraduate and post-baccalaureate (non-masters) matriculated students will be required to submit a nonrefundable $100 deposit to confirm their admission by May 1 or if admitted after May 1, applicants have 20-calendar days following the date of their acceptance for fall quarter unless otherwise specified in the admissions letter. For winter and spring quarters, the deposit is due 20-calendar days following the date of their acceptance unless otherwise specified in the admissions letter. If the student enrolls, the $100 deposit is credited towards tuition. This deposit is not applicable to another quarter (exceptions by appeal to the Director of Admissions) or to another student (no appeals). Qualified students may request a deferral by contacting the UW Bothell Admissions Office.
UW Bothell New Student Enrollment and Orientation Fee (as of Autumn 2020)
A one-time mandatory fee of $330 is charged to all new undergraduate students and post-baccalaureate (non-masters) matriculated students at the time of registration for the purpose of covering the costs associated with orientation activities and various first-year programs occurring throughout the year. This fee will be due at the same time as the payment for tuition in the student’s initial term of enrollment. If a student withdraws from all courses during the full-tuition refund period, the $330 fee is refunded.
University of Washington Tacoma Undergraduates
The NSEOF is a $159 non-refundable fee paid one-time by students intending to attend UW Tacoma. It funds programs and services that help new students transition successfully to the university. The Department of Student Transitions allocates this money.