A glossary of terms, abbreviations, and acronyms often used in the Office of the University Registrar, Enrollment Management, and Schmitz Hall.
Glossary of Terms
– A –
- Academic Calendar
- A resource for students and staff regarding all important registration dates and deadlines every quarter.
- ACCESS Program
- A program for Washington State residents, age 60 and older, that allows them to audit one or two university courses per quarter on a space-available basis for a reduced rate.
- Add Code
- Also known as an Entry code. Entry codes are five digit random numbers issued to students by academic departments as authorization to add or drop in restricted course sections. Entry Codes are not transferable. All courses require add codes to add beginning the 7th calendar day of the quarter.
– C –
- Certificate of Enrollment
- A document detailing the enrollment history of a student, including dates of attendance, and full-time/part-time status. If a student has earned a degree at UW, this will be listed on a Certificate of Enrollment as well.
- Change of Major/Minor
- A student meets with their adviser to discuss their academic career plan, then completes the appropriate paperwork (Change of Major/Minor Form) which is then submitted to the Registration Office for processing. Some majors and minors may have restrictions for which students must meet minimum admissions requirements.
- Commencement
- The ceremony at which students celebrate earning academic degrees; also known as Graduation. Managed by the Office of Ceremonies.
- Continuum College
- University unit that manages several programs such as PCE, UW in the High School, Online courses, and non-matriculated (Autumn through Spring) registration.
- Cross-Campus Registration
- A process which permits students at Seattle, Tacoma, and Bothell campuses to register for courses at a location other than their home campus. Permission must be sought from the Registration Office at their home campus and students must meet certain credit requirements prior in order to be eligible.
– D –
- Dean’s List
- The University of Washington recognizes students after each academic quarter and year for their high scholarship award and inclusion on the corresponding Dean’s List. A suitable and official notation of this achievement is recorded on the student’s University transcript.
- Degree Verification
- Process managed by the National Student Clearinghouse. Third-party requestors & employers can use this service to verify degrees earned by students at the UW. OUR does not provide verifications for residencies, internships, fellowships, or other training and certificate programs.
- Diploma
- A certificate that testifies the recipient has successfully completed a particular course of study. The Assistant Registrar for Credentials & Athletic Compliance manages diploma ordering and any requests for duplicate or lost diplomas.
- Drop Slip
- A document showing that a student dropped a course in order for them to either receive a refund from the bookstore or a tuition adjustment from Student Fiscal Services. Can be provided to a student by printing their registration transaction history on the SRF120 screen, then stamping with the Registrar’s Office address stamp.
- Dubs
- The UW mascot! [A.K.A. Dubs II. Although not an actual husky; Dubs is an Alaskan Malamute.]
– E –
- Education Record
- Any record that directly identifies a student and is maintained by the institution or educational agency or by a party acting for the institution or educational agency. A key distinction of education records is that education records are shared. Education records can exist in any medium including the following: handwritten, typed, computer-generated, videotape, audiotape, film, microfilm, microfiche, e-mail, and others. Education records are subject to FERPA.
- Educational Outreach
- Former name for University unit – Professional & Continuing Education (PCE).
- Entry Code
- Entry codes are five-digit random numbers issued to students by academic departments as authorization to add or drop in restricted course sections. Entry Codes are not transferable. All courses require add codes to add beginning the 7th calendar day of the quarter.
– F –
- Faculty Code
- Another type of Entry Code for students enrolling in a research course or independent study courses such as 499, 600, 700, or 800. Faculty Codes are provided by the instructor or department.
- Fee-based Programs
- Programs and their classes that do not receive direct financial support from the State of Washington. Registration for fee-based classes may either be done via MyUW or via UW PCE, depending on the program.
– H –
- Hall Health Center
- University unit that manages all immunizations and student health information. Only the Hall Health office can remove any immunization holds. Students may email immunity@uw.edu regarding any immunization questions or to resolve any holds.
– L –
- Late Add Petition
- Form students can use to add a course for a current quarter once the deadline to add a course via MyUW has passed, or to retroactively add a course to a quarter that has already passed. The form must be signed by the instructor and a department chair or designee granting approval.
– M –
- MyPlan
- An academic planner that lets students search for potential courses and programs, audit their progress to explore academic programs, and discover which courses are needed to complete a degree. MyPlan can also be used to build schedules and send any planned courses to the Student Personal Services registration system. (Currently, MyPlan can only be used to add courses; courses cannot be dropped via MyPlan).
- MyUW
- A portal by which students can view their schedule, grades, and financial information. Students log into MyUW with their UW NetID to make registration changes and pay their tuition among other campus services.
– N –
- National Student Clearinghouse
- A nonprofit and nongovernmental organization and the leading provider of educational reporting, data exchange, verification, and research services. Students can receive free certificates of enrollment via a self-service portal. Third-party requestors can receive degree and date of attendance information for students, former students, and alumni.
– P –
- Preferred Name
- A name that a student would like to be called in classroom settings and when interacting with University personnel. Students can set their preferred name at identity.uw.edu.
- Pre-Requisites
- One or more courses, a minimum placement test score, or a minimum grade required in order to register for a particular course. If a course has a pre-requisite, it will be indicated in the course information on the Time Schedule or in MyPlan. Only a department can determine if a student has met the criteria and waive pre-requisites for a course; this cannot be done by the Registration office.
– R –
- Registration
- Process by which students add, drop, or change courses on their academic schedule.
- Registration Transaction Form
- Form completed by a student for registration processes that they are unable to complete on their own via MyUW such as resolving a time conflict, changing variable credits on a course, or – for international students – dropping a course after the first week of the quarter. The form is then submitted to the Registration office for processing.
- Residency
- Determines whether or not a student will pay in state or out of state tuition. Students must show they have not come to Washington State primarily for educational purposes.
- Returning Student Form
- A form that must be completed online by students who have not attended UW for two or more consecutive quarters (not including Summer). There is an $80 enrollment confirmation fee required prior to registration. Students must be in good academic standing in order for them to return to UW.
- Reverse Transfer
- Reverse Transfer is a means by which a student may receive an associate’s degree after transferring from a 2-year, lower division institution of higher education to a 4-year institution.
– S –
- Sole Possession Record
- Are those records which are kept in the sole possession of the maker of the records and are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a temporary substitute for the maker of the records. Sole possession records are not subject to FERPA.
- Study Abroad
- Program that allows students to engage in a cultural and academic exchange program in another country. Students can participate in a study abroad program either through UW or via an outside organization.
- Summer Sessions at UW
- Program organized by UW Continuum College. Allows visiting college students, high school students, and other adults/professionals to enroll as a non-matriculated student and take courses at the University of Washington.
– T –
- Time Schedule
- A compilation of all courses offered each quarter. Includes the course names, SLNs, times, and any restrictions. The unit within the Office of the University Registrar that manages this information is the Time Schedule and Room Assignments office, or TSRA.
- Transcripts
- A transcript is a record of student achievement at the University of Washington and classes taken at any UW campus will appear on one transcript. Both Official and Unofficial versions of transcripts are available to students.
- Tuition Exemption
- A waiver that allows eligible UW faculty/staff and WA state employees to have the tuition cost for up to six credits per quarter covered by the University. Students must have active student status in order for the tuition exemption benefit to be applied. Eligibility for the tuition exemption benefit is determined by the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) office.
– U –
- A transit pass that allows students and UW staff unlimited rides on buses, commuter trains, and light rail. Students who pay the services & activities fee are automatically enrolled in UPASS and required to pay the UPASS fee. Other categories of students and UW staff may choose to purchase a UPASS at a discounted rate through the Transportation Services office. The UPASS is linked to a student or staff member’s Husky Card.
– W –
- Withdrawal
- When all courses are dropped from a student’s schedule. When a student withdraws from all courses during weeks 1 & 2, only the withdrawal date will appear on the transcript. From weeks 3-10, a RD (for Registrar Drop) will appear on the transcript next to the student’s courses. Prior to Spring 2020, withdrawn courses appear on the University’s transcript with a W grade, followed by a number representing the week in which the course was dropped (3-7).
A list of Curriculum Abbreviations can be found on the Student Guide.
Abbreviation/ Acronym |
Short For | Explanation/Description |
2FA | Two-Factor Authentication | The University requires 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) security when logging into UW systems and online tools with UWNetID. The Duo Mobile app for cellphones is recommended. Opting in to 2FA and setting up an authentication device is required. |
A&O | Advising & Orientation | Advising session required for all incoming freshmen and transfer students during which they register for courses. |
AADR | Adviser-Assisted Drop Request | Process that allows students to drop additional courses after using their quarterly drop via MyUW. Also required to be completed in order for a student to withdraw from all courses for the quarter. AKA: Current Quarter Drop. |
ADL | Annual Dean’s List | List, updated annually, of students who make the Dean’s List each quarter for three quarters of the academic year. To qualify for the Annual Dean’s List, a matriculated undergraduate student must be pursuing their first undergraduate degree and have achieved a quarterly GPA of 3.50 in 12 or more numerically graded credits each quarter for three quarters of the academic year (summer through spring). |
AoC | Acknowledgement of Confirmation | Following successful acceptance of admission or readmission offer and payment of NSEOF or ECD, students receive an Acknowledgement of Confirmation (AoC) via email. |
ASA | Academic & Student Affairs | Divisional unit of the Provost. |
CIRCLE | Center for International Relations and Cultural Leadership Exchange | University unit with offices in Schmitz Hall that streamlines critical support for international students and engages both domestic and international students so that they thrive at UW and in the global economy. |
CQD | Current Quarter Drop | Process to drop courses during weeks 3-7 of the current academic quarter which consists of two steps: 1) Auto-Drop (single class), and; 2) Adviser-Assisted Drop Request form (any/all remaining classes). Formerly known as Annual Drop. |
CSSC | Community Standards and Student Conduct | University unit with offices in Schmitz Hall that investigates and adjudicates violations of the Student Conduct Code and processes disciplinary checks and Dean’s Certifications for students who are transferring to different institutions, planning on traveling abroad, or applying for graduate programs. |
DARS | Degree Audit Reporting Office | Provides a student or adviser with a degree audit showing the academic progress one has completed towards an undergraduate degree in a declared or proposed major. Unit within the Office of the University Registrar (OUR). |
ECD | Enrollment Confirmation Deposit | Paid by all students to confirm their offer of admission. Must be paid in order to register. The amount is then applied towards their tuition. |
ECQ | Extraordinary Circumstances Quarter | Designation applied to quarters impacted by COVID-19. |
EIN/EID | Employee Identification Number | University of Washington staff identification number. |
EM | Enrollment Management | University unit within the division of Academic & Student Affairs (ASA). |
FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act | Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. |
FIGS | First-Year Interest Groups | Peer-guided clusters of courses that small groups of students take together during their first quarter at the UW. |
FQD | Former Quarter Drop | Petition process to drop courses based on extenuating circumstances for a previous academic quarter. Formerly called Hardship Withdrawal (HD). |
FYP | First Year Programs | Unit that organizes the Summer A&O sessions for incoming freshmen and transfer students and helps guide undergraduate students through their adjustment to college and the UW. |
GARS | Graduation and Academic Records | Unit within the Office of the University Registrar (OUR). |
GEMS | Graduation Enrollment Management Services | Unit that manages Graduate School Admissions and advising for both matriculated graduate and graduate non-matriculated (GNM) students. |
GNM | Graduation Non-Matriculated Students | Student status that allows post baccalaureate students who are not presently seeking a graduate degree at the University of Washington to take UW graduate courses and apply the credits toward degree requirements should they later be accepted into a graduate program at the UW. |
GPA | Grade Point Average | Number representing the average value of the accumulated final numerical grades earned. |
HW | Hardship Withdrawal | Replaced by the Former Quarter Drop process in Spring 2020. For any petition approved before Spring 2020, courses will appear on the University’s transcript with an HW grade. |
ISS | International Student Services | University unit within Enrollment Management (EM) that assists all F1 & J1 visa students with ensuring they remain in status per both University policies and federal immigration regulations. They maintain SEVIS (Student and Exchange Visitor Information System), which is U.S. government database that allows schools and federal immigration agencies to exchange data on the status of international students. |
OMAD | Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity | University unit with offices in Schmitz Hall that works to increase diversity on campus and enrich the collegiate experience of all UW students, faculty, and staff. |
NSEOF | New Student Enrollment & Orientation Fee | Fee paid by all incoming freshmen and transfer students in order to accept their offer of admission. |
OSFA | Office of Student Financial Aid | University unit within Enrollment Management (EM) that manages all financial aid, scholarship, loan, and grant information. Helps students determine their financial eligibility when paying for college. |
OUR | Office of the University Registrar | Official name of the Registrar’s office. Unit within Enrollment Management (EM). |
PAC | Private Access Code | A six-digit code provided to new students that is required to establish identity-related items such as UWNetID, password recovery, and other systems-related access. Students can obtain their PAC by contacting the UWIT Help Desk at 206-221-5000. |
PCE | Professional & Continuing Education | University unit that manages registration for fee-based programs, non-matriculated students, online, and certificate programs. |
QDL | Quarterly Dean’s List | List, updated quarterly, of students who make the Dean’s List. |
RA | Religious Accommodations | It is the policy of the University of Washington to reasonably accommodate students’ religious observances in accordance with RCW 28B.137.010. Any student seeking reasonable accommodations must provide written notice through the Office of the University Registrar Religious Accommodations request process within the first two weeks of the beginning of the course, of the specific dates of absence due to religious accommodation. |
RD | Registrar Drop | Transcript annotation of RD appears when a student has dropped a course on their own or when a student has had a Former Quarter Drop (FQD) petition approved. RD replaced the “W” grade for student drop/withdrawals and the “HW” hardship withdrawal transcript annotation. Effective Spring 2020 quarter. |
RPG | Report Prioritization Group | Committee which curates student data and develops report structures for various University systems. |
SAF | Services and Activities Fee | A student levied, student distributed fee to support and enhance the out of classroom experience. It is collected along with tuition payments. |
SDB | Student DataBase | The university-wide system for managing student records and student data. Also known as Keynes. |
SCC | Student Counseling Center | University unit with offices in Schmitz Hall that provides students with individual, group, career, and crisis counseling and related services. |
SFS | Student Fiscal Services | University unit with offices in Schmitz Hall that manages tuition and fees, loans, scholarships, and student tax information (1098-T forms) |
SLN | Schedule Line Number | A five-digit course code needed to add a course to a student’s schedule during registration. |
SPS | Student Personal Services | The system that allows students to complete registration, view their course schedules and financial information. Accessible once they have logged into the MyUW portal with their UWNetID. |
SSN | Social Security Number | A nine-digit number issued to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and temporary residents under section 205 of the Social Security Act. |
STF | Student Technology Fee | A student levied, student distributed fee to support and enhance student technology-related programs, projects, and equipment across campus. It is collected along with tuition payments. |
TSRA | Time Schedule and Room Assignments | Unit within the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) that manages the Time Schedule. |
UAA | Undergraduate Academic Advising | Advisers help undergraduates understand the UW’s academic systems, choose a major, and discover campus resources. Students meet with a UAA adviser prior to choosing a major. Once a major has been chosen, students then meet with an adviser in that major’s department. |
UW-B | UW Bothell | University of Washington Bothell Campus. AKA: UW-Bothell. |
UW-IT | University of Washington Information Technology | University unit that provides critical technology support to all three campuses, UW medical centers, and global research operations. UW-IT collaborates with University partners to advance teaching, learning, innovation, and discovery at the UW. Support can be reached at help@uw.edu. |
UW-S | UW Seattle | University of Washington Seattle Campus. AKA: UW-Seattle. |
UW-T | UW Tacoma | University of Washington Tacoma Campus. AKA: UW-Tacoma. |
UWID/SID | UW Identification/Student ID | A unique, 7-digit, numerical identifier issued during the admission process. |
UWNetId/NetID | UW Network Identification | User name, limited to 8-characters, used to establish UW email (i.e., uwnetid@uw.edu} which, along with a password, allows the user to authenticate into University systems such as MyUW, MyPlan. |
VEBO | Veterans Education Benefits Office | Unit within the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA). |