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Exceptions – RU Guide

For use with the SDB

Your major’s requirements exist in DARS according to your catalog statement. You can modify any one of those requirements for a particular student by creating an RU exception.

The Basics

  1. When you want to modify a requirement, you must first tell DARS which requirement to modify. That’s the purpose of the PSNAME. You’ll find the PSNAME for requirements in your major on your Reference Table. Select the letter your major begins with. On that page, scroll down until you find it. Select and bookmark it!
    NOTE: A&S advisers will also need a bookmark for General Education Requirements.
  2. To begin an exception, go to the SRF370 SCREEN, enter the student number and SEND. Enter RU in the lower, right corner and SEND. You are now on the SRU376. You can usually ignore all the information in blue:
    E X C E P T I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T M O D I F I C A T I O N
    1033346 000957073 900-00-0110
    0-PSYCH -00-15 Sequence Number: 0010 ADD (Type=RU)
    PSNAME: _______________ Comment to display (Opt:________________________ Allow/Reject COURSE:_ _____ ___ __ UW#(Y/N):Y
    QTR Range:___/____ thru ___/____
    REQHRS: Change credits required (ex: -3, -0.5): ____._ REQSRQ/REQCT: Change # of courses required (ex: -1): ___
    VAL (Rarely used): Change # of courses required (ex: -1): ___
    REQGPA: Change GPA required: (ex -0.100): __.___
    Internal Notes: __________________________________________________
    Authorized by: ____________ Authorization Date: __/__/____
    Updated by: Date Updated:
    MAXHRS: ____._ USECT/MAXCT: ___ ASSIGNC: _ AC1: _ AC2:_ RC1: _ RC2: _
    MAXHRSCK: _ RCOURSE: _ ______ ___ __ UW#(Y/N): Y RNAME: _________
  3. Comments, Internal Notes, Authorized by, Updated by You will almost always want to enter a “Comment to display.” Not only does this clarify to anyone who views the audit exactly what exception you are allowing for the student; it also serves a troubleshooting purpose. If your exception fails and the comment does not appear, you most likely have used the wrong PSNAME.
    Optional: Use Internal Notes to remind yourself or to tell others who can view the exception why it was allowed, who was involved in the decision… anything you might want.
    Optional: If you want to record who authorized this exception (someone other than yourself), use the “Authorized by” field.
    When you “send” to finalize the exception, your UserID will appear, along with the date, in the “Updated by” line.

Modifications You Can Make

Allow a course not normally acceptable in a particular requirement

  1. In the left column of the Reference Table, find the requirement you want to modify. In the next column is the PSNAME for that requirement.
    NOTE: Be sure that the third column tells you that it can be used to allow a course!
    Enter it on the SRU376. Be sure to start in the first space of the PSNAME field.
    Example: PSNAME: EE-MATH1____ Comment to display (Opt): _________________________
  2. After the PSNAME, enter a comment that explains what exception you are allowing for this student.
    Example: BIOL 2XX SUBS FOR 180 H A&S 261 APPROVED
  3. To tell DARS which course you want it to use for this student, enter it in the line below the PSNAME:
    Allow/Reject COURSE: a_ b______c__d__ UW#(Y/N):e Y fQTR Range:___/____ thru ___/____

    1. Enter 0 in the first field (or 1 for a UW-Bothell course or 2 for a UW-Tacoma course).
    2. Enter the course prefix as it appear in the audit/SDB in the second field. H_A&S_ not HA&S__ M_E___ not ME____ L_ARCH not LARCH_
    3. Enter the course number in the third field: 101, 599, 2XX. Tip: You can allow all PHYS 100-level courses by entering 0 PHYS 1** or all MATH courses by entering 0 MATH *** The fourth field is used only if the student has identical *XX courses, such as: 0 MATH__ 1XX __ 0 MATH__ 1XX 01
      Use the sequence number, at the end, to tell DARS which to use. More information.
    4. After the course number comes a Y/N field: Allow/Reject COURSE:_ ______ ___ __ UW#(Y/N):Y
      If you have entered an XX course or have used an asterisk in any field, change UW#(Y/N):Y to UW#(Y/N):N
    5. At the end of the COURSE line is the “quarter range.” Allow/Reject COURSE:_ ______ ___ __ UW#(Y/N):Y QTR Range:___/____ thru ___/____
      Use the QTR Range only if this is a repeatable course which the student has taken or is likely to take more than once. More information.
  4. If you want to allow another course in this same requirement, take the following steps. If not, skip to 6).
  5. To allow more courses not normally acceptable in this requirement, enter a C in the Option: _ field at the bottom right of the 376 screen and send. You’ll then be on the 377 screen:
    E X C E P T I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T M O D I F I C A T I O N 3.0001
    1033346 000957073 900-00-0110 5/19/06 14:35
    Sequence Number: 0011ACTion: A=Add, C=Change, D=Delete
    ACT COURSE UW#? Qtr Range (if course is repeatable)
    _ _ ______ ___ _ ___/____ thru ___/____
    _ _ ______ ___ _ ___/____ thru ___/____
    _ _ ______ ___ _ ___/____ thru ___/____
    Examples of entries you might make:
    A 0 MATH 3XX N ___/____ thru ___/____
    A 0 MATH 498 Y AUT/2006 thru AUT/2006
    NOTE: There is no way to distinguish among multiple MATH 3XX courses on this screen. You must use the 376. If necessary, you can create a second exception with the same PSNAME and enter the course in there.
  6. Send, transfer to the 390 screen and run a new audit.

Reject/Remove a course that is normally acceptable

Use the same procedure as in A) above. You’ll find the PSNAME on your Reference Table. It will usually end in -R, -RJ or -REJ. More information.
NOTE: Do not enter a comment to display.

Waive credit

Allow a requirement to be satisfied with fewer than the normal number of credits

  1. In the left column of the Reference Table, find the requirement you want to modify. In the next column is the PSNAME for that requirement.
    NOTE: Be sure that the third column tells you that it can be used to waive credit!
    Enter the PSNAME on the SRU376.
  2. Enter a “Comment to display,” e.g., 1 CREDIT WAIVED.
  3. Skip over the “COURSE” line to the next: REQHRS: Change credits required (ex: -3, -0.5): ____._
  4. Enter a minus (-) and the number of credits you want to waive as in the example. -3__._-3__.5
  5. Send. The number will format itself: – 3.0 – 3.5
  6. Transfer to the 390 screen and run a new audit.

Waive a course

Allow a requirement to be satisfied with fewer than the normal number of courses

  1. In the left column of the Reference Table, find the requirement you want to modify. In the next column is the PSNAME for that requirement.
    NOTE: Be sure the third column indicates that it can be used to waive a course!
    Enter the PSNAME on the SRU376.
  2. Enter a “Comment to display” e.g., PHYS 123 WAIVED.
  3. Skip over the “COURSE” and “REQHRS” lines to the next:
    REQSRQ/REQCT: Change # of courses required (ex: -1): ___ NOTE: In a very, very few cases, your Reference Table may tell you to use the VAL: field, one more line down, instead.
  4. Enter a minus (-) and the number of credits you want to waive as in the example. -3_
  5. Send. The number will format itself: -3_
  6. Transfer to the 390 screen and run a new audit.

Reduce the required GPA—in the major or in a requirement within the major

(Do not confuse this with allowing a course with a grade below your minimum. For that, use, preferably, the RR exception or the CS exception.)

  1. In the left column of the Reference Table, find the requirement you want to modify. In the next column is the PSNAME for that requirement.
    NOTE: Be sure that the third column tells you that it can be used to allow a lower GPA.
    Enter the PSNAME on the SRU376.
  2. Enter a “Comment to display,” GPA BELOW 2.50 APPROVED
  3. Skip down to the line: REQGPA: Change GPA required: (ex -0.100): __.___
  4. Enter a minus (-) and the amount by which you want to lower the GPA. For example, if a 2.50 is required and you want to allow a 2.40, enter – .100. Send.
    NOTE: You must enter three digits to the right of the decimal.
  5. Transfer to the 390 screen and run a new audit.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If no errors were made in formatting the COURSE field, SRU376 RECORD ADDED will appear at the top of the screen. However, even if the record is “added,” there may be another error which may prevent it from working. Running a new audit will help determine the issue.

If the exception fails, check the data which was entered. Return to the 370 screen and place a C in front of the exception. Click SEND. The data will be visible and editable once the error is found. Click SEND to finalize and run a new audit.

The text Invalid course – not found in database is highlighted at the bottom of the screen when a course is sent which has:

  1. a prefix that doesn’t exist; or
  2. a number containing XX or asterisks but have not changed UW#(Y/N):Y to UW#(Y/N):N

Correct the error and SEND again.

If the exception fails and the “Comment to display” does not appear, it’s likely the wrong PSNAME is entered or is not entered exactly as it appears on the Reference Table.

  • If the exception works but the COMMENT doesn’t display, email DARS to request a fix.
  • If the course is entered correctly and the COMMENT displays, but the course is not visible, check on the audit to verify whether this text appears under the course title: REPLACED BY: [other course]. If this is the case, use the title of the “other course” in the exception.
  • Check the grade option of the course. Does this requirement have a minimum grade—which this course doesn’t have? Is the grade CR? The remedy is to delete the RU exception and instead use an RR exception.

If the COMMENT displays but the credit is not waived, check the – # in the REQHRS line, and not in REQSRQ/REQCT. Also, check the Reference Table allows credit to be waived with that PSNAME.

If the COMMENT displays but the course is not waived, check the – # in the REQSRQ/REQCT line, and not in REQHRS. Also, check the Reference Table allows a course to be waived with that PSNAME.

If there is not enough room for the COMMENT, create another RU exception with the same PSNAME. Use the “Comment to display” field only. This text will appear below the text of the comment in the previous exception. Please note: the new exception will also be preceded by “NOTE.”