MMU Access Update MMU | Permission Update Revoke Major/Minor Update permissions for a former adviser. HiddenUser Email Your Name(Required) First Last Your Department or Program(Required) Adviser Name(Required)Name of individual who no longer needs access to the CoMM form. First Last Adviser UWNetID(Required)NetID of the individual Reason(Required)What's the reason for revoking this adviser's access to the CoMM? Non-adviser role - same dept Non-adviser role - different dept Adviser role - different dept Separated from UW New Department(Required)What is the new department or program for this adviser? Attestation(Required) I attest that I am authorized to act on behalf of my department to revoke CoMM adviser access for this individual. MMU | Permission Update Revoke Major/Minor Update permissions for a former adviser. HiddenUser Email Your Name(Required) First Last Your Department or Program(Required) Adviser Name(Required)Name of individual who no longer needs access to the CoMM form. First Last Adviser UWNetID(Required)NetID of the individual Reason(Required)What's the reason for revoking this adviser's access to the CoMM? Non-adviser role - same dept Non-adviser role - different dept Adviser role - different dept Separated from UW New Department(Required)What is the new department or program for this adviser? Attestation(Required) I attest that I am authorized to act on behalf of my department to revoke CoMM adviser access for this individual.